Discipleship is the Responsibility of Every Follower of Jesus

The third thing we value at Northwest is discipleship. When we call ourselves a follower of Jesus we have just announced we are one of His disciples. As a disciple we have the responsibility to continued to be discipled and to disciple other people.

As we create a discipleship culture at Northwest it starts with you finding someone you respect as a follower of Jesus. Ask them to coffee or lunch. Spend time asking them about their faith, their personal journey with God. Ask them if you could serve with them sometime.

And if you are asked, don't say "no." See it as an honor and a responsibility as one of Jesus' followers. As a follower of Jesus, every believer should be in a discipling relationship both as the one discipling and the one being discipled.

Then there are those you come in contact with in your everyday life. And as you live life following Jesus, they begin to notice your take on life is different from most people. You find joy even in trials. Your values are different. You humbly serve other people, giving of yourself. They become more interested until they ask, "Why do you live life with such passion? Why do you serve others and give of yourself?" The door has just been opened for you to share with them about your faith in God. Then discipleship begins.

It may not be frequent conversations, but they are authentic and real. The conversations begin to get deeper and more personal.

Your nature being brought up in the church is to immediately invite them to church. DON"T! We have to get past the idea that discipleship is all about inviting them to church and getting them plugged in. If you wait, going to church will be their idea. "Would it be alright if came to church with you?"

When that question comes out, you say . . . "Absolutely!" You meet them at the door. You introduce them to some of your friends. You maybe even go out to dinner with them or at least for coffee later that week to see if they have any questions about worship.

Many times people who say they follow Jesus don't engage in discipleship. They just go to church. But if you say you follow Jesus, that you are one of his disciples, then you will obey him, right?

"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always, to the very end of the age." -- Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)