The Bible is the Authoritative Word of God

Our first Core Value is: The Bible is the Authoritative Word of God.

What we mean by this value is that we are going to use the Bible as our standard for truth, wisdom and direction. It is authoritative in the sense that it is true and relevant yesterday, today and forever. When a person decides to live by what God's word teaches their life is so much better. God's word provides for us and protects us from consequences that can cause life to be hard.

Hebrews 4:12 says God's word is living and active, meaning it gives life and transformation. It is not the burdensome law so many people believe but tells the story of a God and how he interacts with imperfect people. It is not just rules to follow, it is the giver of life both here and for eternity.

As the Psalmist writes in Psalm 119:105 it is "a lamp to our feet and a light for our path." It leads us so we can experience God. It protects us from going in the wrong direction. It give us insight into life today.

Northwest values what God's word teaches. It is the standard in which we live by as His church.